• MoA Signing Ceremony_ICAR CIFE & MM Fish Seed-banner-7-2-2025
  • fish-swad-26-1-2025
  • fish-swad-26-1-2025
  • Republicday_26jan2025
  • Globalization of Fisheries Education-banner-9-12-2024
  • nabl-iso-iec-banner-new-30-9-2024
  • NIRFrank-banner-30-8-2024
  • captive breeding of Peacock eel--banner-3-10-2024
  • iso-banner-21-11-2022

Message from Director

Fisheries and aquaculture will play a key role in ensuring food security, nutrition and employment in the face of increasing population and the consequent increase in demand for food fish. The contribution of fisheries sector in accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been well recognised The growing fisheries sector critically requires specialised, quality human resources to drive the research and development..... (more)


ICAR-CIFE participated in the exhibition of Juhu Koliwada Seafood Festival, organized by the Koli fishing community of Mumbai under the leadership .... (more)
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Kolkata Centre, in collaboration with KVK, Chomi, Kurung Kumey, Arunachal Pradesh, organized a three-day .... (more)
The MoA was signed by Dr. Ravishankar, C.N., Director and Vice-Chancellor, CIFE, Mumbai and Mr. Shukdeb Manadal, Director.... (more)
300 SC farmers and fishermen from the village including women rural farmers participated in the program.... (more)
A short-term paid training program on ‘Molecular Taxonomy and DNA Barcodes’ was organized by the Fisheries Resource Management Department.... (more)
Fish Swad 2025 showcased an impressive array of dishes from across India, featuring the rich diversity of fish-based cuisines .... (more)
The Fish Processing Technology Department of ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai conducted the ICAR-sponsored 21 days’ .... (more)
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai celebrated the 76th Republic Day of India with great enthusiasm .... (more)
ICAR-CIFE participated in the exhibition of Vesava Koli Seafood Festival, organized by the Koli fishing community of Mumbai under the leadership of Dr. Ravishankar C.N., Director, ICAR-CIFE and Dr. N.P. Sahu, Joint Director, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai. .... (more)
ICAR-CIFE has successfully implemented AMS Version 2.0 (Academic Management System) to streamline and manage academic and student registration processes efficiently. ICAR-CIFE has successfully implemented AMS Version 2.0 .... (more)


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