Skill Development Programmes

One of the mandates of ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai is Human Resource Development, capacity building and skill development through training, education and extension. ICAR-CIFE conducts various Skill Development Programmes (SDP) for various client groups, be it fishers, farmers, entrepreneurs, faculty, industry representatives, students, research scholars, etc. The training programs are conducted at CIFE, Mumbai as well as at four regional centres located at Kolkata (W.B.), Kakinada (A.P.), Rohtak (Haryana), Powerkheda (M.P) and Motipur (Bihar)

Short Term Training Programs

Training Calendar 2024 Application form

Application: Interested candidates are encouraged to contact the respective Scientist-In-Charge /SDP Coordinators directly by phone/email during office hours (9.30 am to 5.30 pm) on working days. Application can also be sent by email/post addressed to the respective Scientist-In-Charge/SDP Coordinator. For email contacts of the training coordinators, please see the training calendar.
The application (sent by email or post) should contain name of training programme, name, address, mobile/email, qualifications and the reason for attending the SDP.

Eligibility: No special qualifications or prior knowledge is usually required to attend the SDPs. Anyone who has an interest to learn, is eligible to attend most of the SDPs.

Medium: The medium of instruction will be Hindi/English. However, SDP coordinators make efforts to customise the course delivery as per the background of the participants. For instance, Marathi, Bengali and Telugu may be used in Mumbai, Kolkata and Kakinada Centres respectively in addition to English and Hindi.

Course Fees: Please refer to training calendar for fee. The payment should be made on the first day of the SDP in digital mode in favour of ICAR Unit - CIFE.

Other charges: Accommodation (for outstation candidates) may be arranged based on availability and as per Government rules. Food charges will be extra and are to be borne by the participants as per the expenditure incurred.

For further details, you may contact the respective training coordinators (emails are available in the training calendar) or Dr. Arpita Sharma, Head, FEES Division ( )

Centre for Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) in Fisheries Science


The premier alma mater for fisheries in India, CIFE was established in 1961 as an in-service training centre mainly to impart proficient training and education to the fisheries professionals where trainees were exposed to various operative learning strategies so as to equip them to face the challenges of the fisheries sector. By year 1979, CIFE came under the administrative control of Indian Council of Agricultural Research. In recognition of its yeomen services and expertise, CIFE was deservingly conferred the Deemed-to-be-University status by UGC in 1989. Subsequently the scope and mandate have been widened to include education as well as research. This fostered a positive atmosphere to different stakeholders and facilitated them to fulfill their career objectives and goals. CIFE has made its mark in a knowledge driven economy and in the process of enriching the quality of fisheries education, the academic programs offered by CIFE were accredited by ICAR and UGC. CIFE, since then, has been providing a rich curriculum mixed with a wide range of extra-curricular activities for holistic development of fisheries professionals.

CIFE continues to be a global player in fisheries academics and research by creating globally competent students and faculty through world class education. In view of this, the ICAR, New Delhi sanctioned the only CAFT in Fisheries Science and was established at CIFE, ‘Centre of Advanced Studies in Fisheries Science’ during 1994 (vide F.No:1-2/93(CAS)/UNDP Dated 11.11.1994) which was subsequently renamed as ‘Centre for Advanced Faculty Training.’

The primary objective of CAFT is to impart trainers training in specialized aspects of fisheries and allied sciences for improving faculty competence.

PG Diploma in Inland Fisheries & Aquaculture Management (PGDIF&AM)

The 3rd Batch of One year course would begin from May, 2016 at ICAR-CIFE Kolkata Centre. For admission, eligibility, fees and other details download the Prospectus. For inquiries, please contact Officer In Charge, Kolkata Centre at

Customised Programs - including Sponsored Programs

In addition to listed programs, ICAR-CIFE conducts customised and tailor-made programs for interested agencies / group of people in all areas of fisheries and aquaculture, as well as provides Technical Consultancy Services, undertakes contract research and Turn Key projects on mutually agreed terms and conditions. Interested agencies / candidates are advised to write to with a copy to For all other queries related to training at CIFE, please contact the Training Coordinator

During 2015-16, CIFE organised several Customised Training Programs notably for 300 fish farmers from Telangana sponsored by Government of Telangana and World Bank, and for 500 farmers from Bihar sponsored by Government of Bihar and NFDB. It has also conducted custom made refresher courses for State Fisheries Department officers from Kerala, Maharashtra, Harayana, Punjab and several northern eastern States.

CAFT/ Summer/ Winter School/ Short Courses / Customized Training programmes

Sr.No. Title Dates No.of days No. of participants
Year: 2019-2020
1. Precision Fish Farming: Automation Principles and Technological Solutions for Sustainable Aquaculture Production and Productivity CAFT 26 November- 16 December 2019 21 22
2. Immunological and Molecular Diagnostics for Rapid Disease Diagnosis 7-27 February, 2020 21 8
3. Antibiotic Microbial Resistance with Special Reference to Aquaculture 2-12 March, 2020 10 12
4. Enhancement of Aquaculture and Water Productivity through Engineering Interventions in Biofloc Technology, Aquaponics 15 January-5 February, 2020 21 16
Year: 2018-2019
5. Gene Mining Approaches and Functional Analyses 3-23 December, 2018 21 12
6. Development and Application of Vaccines for Fish Aquaculture 4-13 February, 2019 10 11
7. One Health with Special Reference to Fisheries and Aquaculture 18-27 February, 2019 10 19

Customized/Sponsored Training Programmes: National

Sr. No. Title Dates No. of days No. of participants
1. NFDB Sponsored training on Remote Sensing & GIS Technology for Soil and Water Quality Mapping 16-20 September, 2019 5 20
2. Trainers Training Programme (ToT) on Cage and Pen Culture 16-20 September, 2019 5 17
3. NFDB Sponsored Training Programme for Aquaculture Laboratory Technician 11 July–04 August, 2018 25 25

Training of farmers, extension workers and others

Sr. No. Title Dates No. of days No. of participants
Year: 2019-2020
1. Application of Fish Taxonomy and Tools for Identification of Fishes 20-26 November, 2019 7 25
2. SciCom for Smart Scholars 05-11 December,2019 7 26
3. Breeding, Culture & Health Management of Ornamental fishes 27 June – 01 July,2019 5 28
4. Fish Nutrition and Feeding Strategies 16-22 July, 2019 7 22
5. Mithe Pani mein Machli Palan 21-27 August, 2019 7 28
6. Mithe Pani mein Machli Palan 12-18 September,2019 7 26
7. Management of Soil, Water and Fish Diseases in Aquaculture 15-21 October,2019 7 30
8. Mithe Pani mein Machli Palan 07 -13 November,2019 7 26
9. Mithe Pani mein Machli Palan 19-25 November,2019 7 26
10. Mithe Pani mein Machli Palan 10-16 December,2019 7 26
11. Fish and Prawn Culture 23-29 April, 2019 7 30
12. Fish and Prawn Culture 21-27 May, 2019 7 30
13. Fish and Prawn Culture Vaishali, Bihar 24-30 December, 2019 7 25
14. Fish and Prawn Culture 24-30 January, 2020 7 24
15. Magur Breeding and Hatchery Management 01-06 July, 2019 6 22
16. Carp Breeding and Hatchery Management 08-13 July, 2019 6 21
17. Freshwater Prawn (M. rosenbergii) Seed Rearing and Culture 15-20 July, 2019 6 24
18. Carp Culture Practices and Recent Advances 22-27 July, 2019 6 22
19. Fish and Prawn Culture 22 Sep -01 October,2019 10 20
20. Fish and Prawn Culture 09-18 December,2019 10 20