Agri Business Incubation (ABI) Centre

NAIF ABI team photo-001-1-11-2023

About ABI

ICAR-CIFE Agri Business Incubation (ABI) Centre is funded by National Agricultural Innovation Fund (NAIF) Component II (Incubation Fund). It aims at promoting innovations in fisheries sector. This centre helps incubatees by providing facilities, services and guidance. Presently the ICAR-CIFE Agri Business Incubation centre is promoting entrepreneurs in fields of value added fish products, aquaculture and aquatic environment. The ABI allows the prospective entrepreneurs to run small scale production using facilities available at CIFE. The entrepreneurs pay nominal charges and bear all the cost including overheads. The scientist and technical experts of the institute do the handholding and keep monitoring the progress. The MOU between CIFE and the entrepreneur outlines both exit plan and up-scaling plan without any loss to the Institute. The ABI also envisages linking up the entrepreneurs with the financial institutions.

  • ABI unit inaugurated on 3rd March, 2017
  • Number of incubatees registered (Since 2016) : 71
  • Number of student incubatees registered : 16
  • Number of women incubatees through SHGs incubation : 33

Management team of NAIF-ABI centre at ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai

Members Contact No. Email ID
Dr. S. P. Shukla
(Principal Investigator, ABI )
Principal Scientist, AEHM Division
+91 2226361446| Extn:272
Dr. Shivaji Argade
(Co-PI, ABI )
Scientist, FEES Division
+91 2226361446 | Extn:586
Dr. Layna P.
(Co-PI, ABI )
Scientist, FRHPH Division
+91 2226361446 | Extn:215
Dr. Paromita B.
(Member, ABI )
Principal Scientist, Aquaculture Division
+91 2226361446 | Extn:426
Dr. Mohd. Aklakur
( Member, ABI)
Scientist,Motipur, ICAR-CIFE
+91 9004862708
Dr. D. Bhoomaiah
( Member, ABI)
Chief Technical Officer,ICT-Cell
+91 2226361447 | Extn:441
Dr. Manish Jayant
( Member, ABI)
Scientist, FNBP Division
+91 2226361446 | Extn:475

Incubation facilities

# Specialization Location Facilities
1. Fish Skin Leather FEES Division, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai Technology know how
2. Organic Manure from Fish Waste FEES division, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai Technology know how
3. Gender Analysis FEES division, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai Copyrighted tools
4. Human Capital Valuation FEES Division, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai Copyrighted tools
5. Advisory Services for Research Management in Social Sciences FEES Division, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai Software and analytical tools
6. Biofloc Aquaculture division, Mumbai Wet laboratory / Dry laboratory
7. RAS Aquaculture division, Mumbai Wet laboratory / Dry laboratory
8. Aquaponic Aquaculture division, Mumbai Wet laboratory / Dry laboratory
9. Fish feed Aquaculture division, Mumbai Dry laboratory
10. Fish value added products Post-Harvest Section, FRHPHM division, Mumbai Pre-processing / processing / modular kitchen / cold room / committee room
11. Fish by-products Post-Harvest Section, FRHPHM division, Mumbai Pre-processing / processing / cold room / committee room
12. Ornamental fish culture Aquaculture division, CIFE, Mumbai
CIFE, Salt lake, Kolkata
Wet laboratory
13. Spirulina culture AEM division, CIFE, Mumbai Wet laboratory / algal culture laboratory
14. Pearl culture CIFE, Salt lake, Kolkata Wet laboratory
15. Shrimp culture CIFE, Kakinada Fields / culture ponds
16. Fish culture CIFE, Powerkheda, Madhya pradesh Fields / culture ponds
17. Inland saline water Shrimp aquaculture CIFE, Rohtak, Haryana Fields / culture ponds

Specific objectives of ABI

Promote fishery related and aquaculture business among entrepreneurs using knowledge and technologies developed by CIFE

In-root the initial journey of small scale entrepreneurs till they are self-rooted

Transform business ideas and innovations of CIFE to a growing enterprises

Commercialization of technologies developed by CIFE

Assistance and guidance to entrepreneurs for fisheries and aquaculture related business

Facilitation support for start-ups

The registered incubatees are allowed to utilise the facilities of Institute and will be provided hand holding till they become independent in particular task or product preparation of their interest.

Incubatees would be allowed exposure to technologies.

They would be supported for small scale production and marketing

ABI would educate on the process of registration, licencing and certification

ABI would educate the incubatees on various schemes of Govt of India for Start-ups

ABI would facilitate meetings with financial support institutions

ABI would facilitate meeting with marketing agencies and prospective buyers of their products

Contact ABI

Dr. S. P. Shukla,
(Officer-in-Charge, ABI)
Email: /
Office Number: +91 22 2636 1446

Research Highlights