Results of Re-examination Ph.D (2021-2024) Batch, (I semester)

  1. FGB Download Results

Results of Re-examination Ph.D (2022-2025) Batch, (I semester)

  1. FGB Download Results

Results of Re-evaluation Ph.D. (2022-2025) Batch, (II semester)

  1. FEC Download Results
  2. FGB Download Results

Results of Comprehensive viva voce Ph.D. (2021-2024 batch)

Results of Re-examination

  1. Ph.D. (2020-2023) FEC - Comprehensive Re-examination Download Results
  2. Ph.D. (2020-2023) FBT (II Semester) Download Results
  3. Ph.D. (2020-2023) FEC (II Semester) Download Results

The results of Ph.D. in the all disciplines of (2022-2025 batch) II Semester

  1. AAH-II Download Results
  2. AEM-II Download Results
  3. AQC-II Download Results
  4. FBT-II Download Results
  5. FEC-II Download Results
  6. FEX-II Download Results
  7. FGB-II Download Results
  8. FNT-II Download Results
  9. FPB-II Download Results
  10. FRM-II Download Results
  11. PHT-II Download Results

The results of Ph.D. in the all disciplines of (2022-2025 batch) I Semester

  1. AAH-I Download Results
  2. AEM-I Download Results
  3. AQC-I Download Results
  4. FBT-I Download Results
  5. FEC-I Download Results
  6. FEX-I Download Results
  7. FGB-I Download Results
  8. FNT-I Download Results
  9. FPB-I Download Results
  10. FRM-I Download Results
  11. PHT-I Download Results

Ph.D. (2021-2024 batch) First Semester (Re-examination)

  1. Ph.D (2021-2024) FBT - Semester I. Download Results

Ph.D. (Re-examination) in the following disciplines

  1. FEC (2018-2021 batch) I Semester Download Results
  2. FGB (2018-2021 batch) II Semester Download Results
  3. FGB (2020-2023 batch) II Semester Download Results
  4. FGB (2021-2024 batch) I Semester Download Results
  5. FBT (2021-2024 batch) I Semester Download Results

Ph.D. (Re-examination) - FEC (2018-2021 batch) I Semester

  1. FEC-I Download Results

Results of Ph.D. (2021-2024 batch) II Semester

  1. AAH-II Download Results
  2. AEM-II Download Results
  3. AQC-II Download Results
  4. FBT-II Download Results
  5. FEC-II Download Results
  6. FEX-II Download Results
  7. FGB-II Download Results
  8. FNT-II Download Results
  9. FPB-II Download Results
  10. FRM-II Download Results
  11. PHT-II Download Results

Results of Ph.D. (2020-2023 batch) I semester Revised Result in discipline Fisheries Economics

  1. Fisheries Economics Download Results

Re-examination results of Ph.D. in the discipline of FBT, FEC and FEX.

  1. FBT Download Results
  2. FEC Download Results
  3. FEX Download Results

Results of Ph.D. (2021-2024 batch) I Semester

  1. AAH-I Download Results
  2. AEM-I Download Results
  3. AQC-I Download Results
  4. FBT-I Download Results
  5. FEC-I Download Results
  6. FEX-I Download Results
  7. FGB-I Download Results
  8. FNFT-I Download Results
  9. FPB-I Download Results
  10. FRM-I Download Results
  11. PHT-I Download Results

Comprehensive Results of Ph.D. (2020-2023 batch)

Revised result of Ph.D. (II Semester 2020-2023 batch) in the discipline of AEM

  1. AEM-II Download Results

Result of Ph.D. (2020-2023 batch) II Semester

  1. AAH-II Download Results
  2. AEM-II Download Results
  3. AQC-II Download Results
  4. FBT-II Download Results
  5. FEC-II Download Results
  6. FEX-II Download Results
  7. FGB-II Download Results
  8. FNT-II Download Results
  9. FPB-II Download Results
  10. FRM-II Download Results
  11. PHT-II Download Results

Results of Re-examination of Ph.D. (AQC-2018-2021 batch)

  1. AQC-2018-2021 batch Download Results

Results of Ph.D. (I semester, 2020-2023 batch)

  1. AAH Semester - I Download Results
  2. AEM Semester - I Download Results
  3. AQC Semester - I Download Results
  4. FBT Semester - I Download Results
  5. FEC Semester - I Download Results
  6. FEX Semester - I Download Results
  7. FGB Semester - I Download Results
  8. FNT Semester - I Download Results
  9. FPB Semester - I Download Results
  10. FRM Semester - I Download Results
  11. PHT Semester - I Download Results

Comprehensive results of Ph.D. (2019-2022 batch)

Results of Ph.D. 2019-2022 batch students 2nd semester

  1. AAH Semester - II Download Results
  2. AEM Semester - II Download Results
  3. AQC Semester - II Download Results
  4. FBT Semester - II Download Results
  5. FEC Semester - II Download Results
  6. FEX Semester - II Download Results
  7. FGB Semester - II Download Results
  8. FNT Semester - II Download Results
  9. FPB Semester - II Download Results
  10. FRM Semester - II Download Results
  11. PHT Semester - II Download Results

Results of Ph.D. 2019-2022 batch students Ist Semester

  1. AAH Semester - I Download Results
  2. AEM Semester - I Download Results
  3. AQC Semester - I Download Results
  4. FBT Semester - I Download Results
  5. FEC Semester - I Download Results
  6. FEX Semester - I Download Results
  7. FGB Semester - I Download Results
  8. FNT Semester - I Download Results
  9. FPB Semester - I Download Results
  10. FRM Semester - I Download Results
  11. PHT Semester - I Download Results

Results of Semester-II of Ph.D. (2018-2021 batch)

  1. AAH Semester - II Download Results
  2. AEM Semester - II Download Results
  3. AQC Semester - II Download Results
  4. FBT Semester - II Download Results
  5. FEC Semester - II Download Results
  6. FEX Semester - II Download Results
  7. FGB Semester - II Download Results
  8. FNT Semester - II Download Results
  9. FPB Semester - II Download Results
  10. FRM Semester - II Download Results
  11. PHT Semester - II Download Results

Results of Semester-I of Ph.D. (2018-2021 batch)

  1. AAH Semester - I Download Results
  2. AEM Semester - I Download Results
  3. AQC Semester - I Download Results
  4. FBT Semester - I Download Results
  5. FEC Semester - I Download Results
  6. FEX Semester - I Download Results
  7. FGB Semester - I Download Results
  8. FNT Semester - I Download Results
  9. FPB Semester - I Download Results
  10. FRM Semester - I Download Results
  11. PHT Semester - I Download Results

Results of Semester-I of Ph.D. (2017-2020 batch)

  1. AAH Semester - I Download Results
  2. AEM Semester - I Download Results
  3. AQC Semester - I Download Results
  4. FBT Semester - I Download Results
  5. FEC Semester - I Download Results
  6. FEX Semester - I Download Results
  7. FGB Semester - I Download Results
  8. FNT Semester - I Download Results
  9. FPB Semester - I Download Results
  10. FRM Semester - I Download Results
  11. PHT Semester - I Download Results

Ph.D. (2016-2019 batch) First Semester Results

  1. Aquaculture (AQC) Download Results
  2. Aquatic Animal Health Management Download Results
  3. Aquatic Environmental Management Download Results
  4. Fish Biotechnology Download Results
  5. Fisheries Economics Download Results
  6. Fisheries Extension Download Results
  7. Fish Genetics and Breeding Download Results
  8. Fish Nutrition & Feed Technology Download Results
  9. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Download Results
  10. Fisheries Resource Management Download Results
  11. Post Harvest Technology Download Results

Results of Re-examination : M.F.Sc (2022-2024) Batch, (I semester)

  1. FPB Download Results
  2. FNT Download Results
  3. FPT Download Results
  4. FGB Download Results
  5. FEX Download Results
  6. FRM Download Results

Results of Re-examination : M.F.Sc (2022-2024) Batch, (II semester)

  1. FPT Download Results
  2. FEX Download Results
  3. AQC Download Results

The results of M.F.Sc. in the all disciplines of II Semester (2022-2024 batch)

  1. AAH - II Download Results
  2. AEM - II Download Results
  3. AQC - II Download Results
  4. FBT - II Download Results
  5. FEC - II Download Results
  6. FEX - II Download Results
  7. FGB - II Download Results
  8. FNFT - II Download Results
  9. FPB - II Download Results
  10. FRM - II Download Results
  11. PHT - II Download Results

The results of M.F.Sc. (2021-2023 batch) Third and Fourth Semester in all disciplines

  1. AAH Download Results
  2. AEM Download Results
  3. AQC Download Results
  4. FBT Download Results
  5. FEC Download Results
  6. FEX Download Results
  7. FGB Download Results
  8. FNFT Download Results
  9. FPB Download Results
  10. FRM Download Results
  11. PHT Download Results

M.F.Sc. (2019-2021 batch) Third and Fourth Semester in the discipline of PHT

  1. PHT Download Results

M.F.Sc. (Re-examination) - in the disciplines of FEX, FGB, FPB (2021-2023 batch) I and II Semester, and in the discipline of PHT (2021-2023 batch) II Semester

  1. FEX-I Download Results
  2. FEX-II Download Results
  3. FGB-I Download Results
  4. FGB-II Download Results
  5. FPB-I Download Results
  6. FPB-II Download Results
  7. PHT-II Download Results

M.F.Sc. (Re-examination) - PHT (2021-2023 batch) I and II Semester

  1. PHT-I Download Results
  2. PHT-II Download Results

M.F.Sc. (Re-evaluation) - FBT, FEX and FRM (2021-2023 batch) II Semester

  1. FBT-II Download Results
  2. FEX-II Download Results
  3. FRM-II Download Results

Results of M.F.Sc. (2021-2023 batch) II Semester.

  1. AAHM-II Download Results
  2. AEM-II Download Results
  3. AQC-II Download Results
  4. FBT-II Download Results
  5. FEC-II Download Results
  6. FEX-II Download Results
  7. FGB-II Download Results
  8. FNFT-II Download Results
  9. FPB-II Download Results
  10. FRM-II Download Results
  11. PHT-II Download Results

M.F.Sc. (2021-2023 batch) I semester re-evaluation result in the discipline of PHT

  1. PHT Download Results

M.F.Sc. (2021-2023 batch) I semester re-evaluation results in the discipline of AQC and FEX

  1. AQC Download Results
  2. FEX Download Results

Re-examination results of M.F.Sc. in the discipline of AAHM and FBT

  1. AAHM Download Results
  2. FBT Download Results

Result of M.F.Sc. for 2020 - 2022 Batch (II Semester)

  1. AAHM-II Download Results
  2. AEM-II Download Results
  3. AQC-II Download Results
  4. FBT-II Download Results
  5. FEC-II Download Results
  6. FEX-II Download Results
  7. FGB-II Download Results
  8. FNFT-II Download Results
  9. FPB-II Download Results
  10. FRM-II Download Results
  11. PHT-II Download Results

Result of M.F.Sc. (2019-2021 batch) Re-Examination

  1. AQC (2019-2021) Comprehensive - Re-examination Download Results
  2. AQC (2019-2021) I Semester- Re-examination Download Results
  3. FGB (2019-2021) II Semester- Re-examination Download Results
  4. FPB (2019-2021) I Semester- Re-examination Download Results
  5. PHT (2019-2021) I Semester- Re-examination Download Results
  6. PHT (2019-2021) II Semester- Re-examination Download Results

Results of Re-examination of M.F.Sc. (2019-2021 batch)

  1. AAHM - II Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  2. AQC - I Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  3. AQC-II Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  4. FBT-I Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  5. FBT-II Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  6. FEC - II Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  7. FEC-I Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  8. FEX-II Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  9. FGB-I Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  10. FRM-I Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  11. PHT-I Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results
  12. PHT-II Sem. (2019-2021) Download Results

Results of Re-examination of M.F.Sc. (AAHM-2017-2019 batch)

  1. AAH - I sem. MFSc-2017-2019 batch Download Results
  2. AAH- (III & IV Sem.) MFSc-(2017-2019) batch Download Results

Re-evaluation Result of MFSc (Aquaculture) 2019-2021 batch, End of II Semester

  1. AAH - Re-evaluation - Semester-II Download Results
  2. AQC - Re-examination - Semester-II Download Results
  3. FEX - Re-evaluation - Semester-II Download Results

Re-evaluation and Re-examination of Results of M.F.Sc. (2019-2021 Batch) Ist Semester

  1. AQC - Re-evaluation - Semester-I Download Results
  2. AQC - Re-examination - Semester-I Download Results
  3. FEC - Re-evaluation - Semester-I Download Results
  4. FEC - Re-examination - Semester-I Download Results
  5. FEX - Re-evaluation - Semester-I Download Results
  6. FGB - Re-evaluation - Semester-I Download Results
  7. FGB - Re-examination - Semester-I Download Results
  8. FPB - Re-evaluation - Semester-I Download Results
  9. FRM - Re-evaluation - Semester-I Download Results

Results of M.F.Sc. 2019-2021 batch students 2nd semester

  1. AAHM -Semester-II Download Results
  2. AEM - Semester-II Download Results
  3. AQC - Semester-II Download Results
  4. FBT - Semester-II Download Results
  5. FEC - Semester-II Download Results
  6. FEX - Semester-II Download Results
  7. FGB - Semester-II Download Results
  8. FNT - Semester-II Download Results
  9. FPB - Semester-II Download Results
  10. FRM - Semester-II Download Results
  11. PHT - Semester-II Download Results

Results of Semester - IV of MFSc (2018-20 batch)

  1. AAHM -IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  2. AEM - IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  3. AQC - IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  4. FBT - IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  5. FEC - IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  6. FEX - IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  7. FGB - IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  8. FNT - IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  9. FPB - IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  10. FRM - IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  11. PHT - IV Semester(2018-20) Download Results

Results of Semester-I of MFSc (2019-21 batch)

  1. AAHM -I Semester(2019-21) Download Results
  2. AEM - I Semester(2019-21) Download Results
  3. AQC - I Semester(2019-21) Download Results
  4. FBT - I Semester(2019-21) Download Results
  5. FEC - I Semester(2019-21) Download Results
  6. FEX - I Semester(2019-21) Download Results
  7. FGB - I Semester(2019-21) Download Results
  8. FNT - I Semester(2019-21) Download Results
  9. FPB - I Semester(2019-21) Download Results
  10. FRM - I Semester(2019-21) Download Results
  11. PHT - I Semester(2019-21) Download Results

Results of Semester-II of M.F.Sc. (2018-2020 batch)

  1. AAHM -II Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  2. AEM - II Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  3. AQC - II Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  4. FBT - II Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  5. FEC - II Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  6. FEX - II Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  7. FGB - II Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  8. FNT - II Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  9. FPB - II Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  10. FRM - II Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  11. PHT - II Semester(2018-20) Download Results

Results of Semester-I of M.F.Sc. (2018-2020 batch)

  1. AAHM -I Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  2. AEM - I Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  3. AQC - I Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  4. FBT - I Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  5. FEC - I Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  6. FEX - I Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  7. FGB - I Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  8. FNT - I Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  9. FPB - I Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  10. FRM - I Semester(2018-20) Download Results
  11. PHT - I Semester(2018-20) Download Results

Results of Semester-II of M.F.Sc. (2017-2019 batch)

  1. AAHM -II Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  2. AEM - II Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  3. AQC - II Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  4. FBT - II Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  5. FEC - II Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  6. FEX - II Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  7. FGB - II Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  8. FNT - II Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  9. FPB - II Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  10. FRM - II Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  11. PHT - II Semester(2017-19) Download Results

Results of Semester-I of M.F.Sc. (2017-2019 batch)

  1. AAHM -I Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  2. AEM - I Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  3. AQC - I Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  4. FBT - I Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  5. FEC - I Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  6. FEX - I Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  7. FGB - I Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  8. FNT - I Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  9. FPB - I Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  10. FRM - I Semester(2017-19) Download Results
  11. PHT - I Semester(2017-19) Download Results

Results:- III & IV and End of IV Semesters - M.F.Sc. (2016-2018 batch)

  1. End of IV semester - FIVE DISCIPLINE (2016-18) Download Results
  2. End of IV semester - SIX DICIPLINE (2016-18) Download Results
  3. AAHM-III & IV (2016-18) Download Results
  4. AEM-III & IV (2016-18) Download Results
  5. AQ-III & IV (2016-18) Download Results
  6. FEC III & IV (2016-18) Download Results
  7. FBT III & IV (2016-18) Download Results
  8. FEX -III & IV (2016-18) Download Results
  9. FGB III & IV (2016-18) Download Results
  10. FPB-III & IV (2016-18) Download Results
  11. FRM-III & IV (2016-18) Download Results
  12. FNFT-III & IV (2016-18) Download Results
  13. PHT- III & IV (2016-18) Download Results


Examination Cell

Time table & Important Notice
New   Time Table for the First Semester Final Theory Examinations of Ph.D. (2023-2026 batch) ( Click the link..)
New   Time Table for the First Semester Final Theory Examinations of M.F.Sc. (2023-2025 batch) ( Click the link..)
New   Revised Time Table for the Second Semester Final Theory Examinations of M.F.Sc. (2022-2024 batch) ( Click the link..)
New   Revised Time Table for the Second Semester Final Theory Examinations of M.F.Sc. (2022-2024 batch) ( Click the link..)
New   Time Table for the Second Semester Final Theory Examinations of Ph.D. (2022-2025 batch) ( Click the link..)
New   Time Table for the Second Semester Final Theory Examinations of M.F.Sc. (2022-2024 batch) ( Click the link..)
New   Revised Time Table of Ph.D. (2022-2025 batch) ( Click the link..)
New   Time Table for Final Theory Exam MFSc 2022-2024 batch ( Click the link..)
New   Time Table for PhD Theory Exam 2022-2025 batch ( Click the link..)
New   Time Table for HB-501 & PGS-501 for the examination scheduled to be held on 28th May 2022 ( Click the link..)
New   REVISED -Time Table for Ph.D (2021-2024 batch) ( Click the link..)
New   REVISED - Time Table for M.F. Sc. - (2021 - 2023 batch) ( Click the link..)
New   Time Table for M.F. Sc. - 2021 - 2023 for the examination scheduled to be held during 17th May to 30th May 2022 ( Click the link..)
New   Time Table for Ph.D. (2021-2024 batch) for the examination scheduled to be held during 17th May to 30th May 2022 ( Click the link..)
New   Time Table for Comprehensive Examination on 6th April 2022 ( Click the link..)
New   Second SEMESTER (FINAL) THEORY EXAMINATIONS OF M.F.Sc. (2020-2022 BATCH) ( Click the link..)
New   Second SEMESTER (FINAL) THEORY EXAMINATIONS OF Ph.D. (2020-2023 BATCH) ( Click the link..)
New   Revised timetable - SCHEDULE OF FIRST SEMESTER FINAL THEORY EXAMINATION- M.F.Sc.(2020-2022) BATCH Time:10:30 AM to 01:00 PM ( Click the link..)
New   Revised timetable - SCHEDULE OF FIRST SEMESTER (FINAL) THEORY EXAM- Ph.D. (2020-2023 BATCH) TIME: 02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM ( Click the link..)
New   SCHEDULE OF FIRST SEMESTER FINAL THEORY EXAMINATION- M.F.Sc.(2020-2022) BATCH Time:10:30 AM to 01:00 PM ( Click the link..)
New   SCHEDULE OF FIRST SEMESTER (FINAL) THEORY EXAM- Ph.D. (2020-2023 BATCH) TIME: 02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM ( Click the link..)
New   Time-Table for Comprehensive Examination of M.F.Sc. (2019-2021 batch) and Ph.D. (2019-2022 batch) ( Click the link..)
New   REVISED TIME TABLE FOR Ph.D. II-SEMESTER (2019-2022 BATCH) SCHEDULED FROM 28th SEPTEMBER to 5th OCTOBER 2020 - reg ( Click the link..)
New   TIME TABLE FOR Ph.D. II-SEMESTER (2019-2022 BATCH) SCHEDULED FROM 28th SEPTEMBER to 5th OCTOBER 2020 - reg ( Click the link..)
New   REVISED TIME TABLE FOR MFSc. II-SEMESTER (2019-2021 BATCH) SCHEDULED FROM 15th to 25th SEPTEMBER 2020 - reg ( Click the link..)
For old Archive Click here
DOWNLOADS for Students/ Faculty Use
  4. GRADE CARD Download Form
  6. TRANSCRIPT Download Form
  8. STATEMENT OF MARKS ( 0+1 OR 0+2 OR 0+3) Download Form
  9. STATEMENT OF MARKS ( 1+0 OR 2+0 OR 3+0) Download Form
  10. STATEMENT OF MARKS (1+1 OR 2+2) Download Form
  11. STATEMENT OF MARKS (1+2) Download Form
  12. STATEMENT OF MARKS (2 +1) Download Form
  13. STATEMENT OF MARKS (3 +1) Download Form
  14. Application Form for Re-examination Download Form
  15. Application Form for Comprehensive Re-examination Download Form
  16. Application Form for Re-evaluation Download Form
  17. Format for the Statement of CREDIT SEMINAR I & II Download Form
  18. Format for the Statement of THESIS - DISSERTATION Seminar Download Form
  19. Application Form for Re-evaluation of MFSc, PhD,Comprehensive Exam Download Form
  21. Time-bound submission of revised PhD thesis after examiner comments and fine for late submission Download
Controller of Examination

Dr. Sanath Kumar H.

Dr. Ashutosh D. Deo.
Controller of Examinations & Principal Scientist
+91-22-26361446 / +91 9619010605

Deputy Controller of Examination

Dr. Sanath Kumar H.

Dr Jeena K.
Scientist & Deputy Controller of Examination
+91-22-26361446 / 9082357719

D.Sc. Degrees

Sr. No Name Convocation Date
1. Prof N.B. Nair V Convocation 15-12-2000
2. Prof K.H.Alikunhi
3. Dr. S.L.Mehta
4. Dr. S.A.H.Abidi VI Convocation 14-11-2002
5. Dr. P.V.Dehadrai
6. Dr. S.N.Dwivedi
7. NIL VII Convocation 18-01-2005
8. Dr. V.R.P.Sinha VIII Convocation 06-02-2007
9. Dr. Modadugu V. Gupta
10. Mr. S.V.Ratan Tata IX Convocation 15-04-2009
11. Dr. Hiralal Chaudhuri
12. Dr. K.V.Devara.j X Convocation 09-04-2011
13. Prof. T.J.Pandian
14. Dr. S.D.Tripathi XI Convocation 27-05-2013
15. Dr.K.Gopakumar
16. NIL XII Convocation 07-11-2014
17. NIL XIII Convocation 03-03-2017
18. Dr. S. Ayyappan XIV Convocation 22-04-2019
19. Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala
20. Dr. Dilip Kumar XV Convocation 23-04-2422

 Results of Ph.D Admission for the Batch 2016-19 announced.

Candidates selected for Admission to Ph.D. programmes at CIFE, Mumbai for the Batch 2016-19 | Download
All candidates are requested to take admission by registering and remitting requisite fees from 01.09.2016 to 15.09.2016 without Late Fee at CIFE, Mumbai. All the students getting admitted to Ph.D. course are required to execute a Surety Bond of Rs.50,000/- in the prescribed proforma. A copy of Surety Bond Proforma can be collected from the PG Section.

Last Date of submission of the marksheet of M.F.Sc. - for Ph.D. academic year 2016-17 extended to 1st September 2016 upto 11:00 am. Download

List of Eligible Candidates for PhD Entrance Exam Download

Ph.D. 2015-18, Second Semester Result


Ph.D. (2015-18) First Semester Results

  1. Aquaculture (AQC) Download Results
  2. Fisheries Resources Management (FRM) Download Results
  3. Post-Harvest Technology (PHT) Download Results
  4. Aquatic Environment Management (AEM) Download Results
  5. Aquatic Animal Health (AAH) Download Results
  6. Fish Biochemistry & Physiology (FPB) Download Results
  7. Fish Nutrition & Feed Technology (FNT) Download Results
  8. Fish Genetics & Breeding (FGB) Download Results
  9. Fish Biotechnology (FBT) Download Results
  10. Fisheries Extension (FEX) Download Results
  11. Fisheries Economics (FEC) Download Results
  12. Post Harvest Technology (PHT) (2014-17) Download Results
  13. Aquaculture (AQC) (2011-14) Download Results
Ph.D. (2014-17) Second Semester Results
  1. Aquaculture (AQC) Download Results
  2. Fisheries Resources Management (FRM) Download Results
  3. Post-Harvest Technology (PHT) Download Results
  4. Aquatic Environment Management (AEM) Download Results
  5. Aquatic Animal Health (AAH)Download Results
  6. Fish Biochemistry & Physiology (FPB) Download Results
  7. Fish Nutrition & Feed Technology (FNT) Download Results
  8. Fish Genetics & Breeding (FGB) Download Results
  9. Fish Biotechnology (FBT)Download Results
  10. Fisheries Extension (FEX) Download Results
  11. Fisheries Economics (FEC) Download Results
Exam Schedule
Exam Schedule for M.F.Sc. - II Semester (2015-17), July 2016 - Download

Comprehensive Exam Results
  1. M.F.Sc. (2014-16)Download Results
  2. Ph.D. & M.F.Sc (Old Batches)Download Results
  3. Ph.D. (2014-17)Download Results

M.F.Sc. (2016-2018 batch) Second Semester Results

  1. Aquaculture (AQC) Download Results
  2. Aquatic Animal Health Management Download Results
  3. Aquatic Environmental Management Download Results
  4. Fish Biotechnology Download Results
  5. Fisheries Economics Download Results
  6. Fisheries Extension Download Results
  7. Fish Genetics and Breeding Download Results
  8. Fish Nutrition & Feed Technology Download Results
  9. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Download Results
  10. Fisheries Resource Management Download Results
  11. Post Harvest Technology Download Results

M.F.Sc. (2016-2018 batch) First Semester Results

  1. Aquaculture (AQC) Download Results
  2. Aquatic Animal Health Management Download Results
  3. Aquatic Environmental Management Download Results
  4. Fish Biotechnology Download Results
  5. Fisheries Economics Download Results
  6. Fisheries Extension Download Results
  7. Fish Genetics and Breeding Download Results
  8. Fish Nutrition & Feed Technology Download Results
  9. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Download Results
  10. Fisheries Resource Management Download Results
  11. Post Harvest Technology Download Results

M.F. Sc. (2015-17 batch) overall results up to Semester IV

  1. M.F. Sc. (2015-17 batch) overall results up to Semester IV Download Results

M.F. Sc. (2015-17 batch) III-IV Semesters Results

  1. Aquaculture (AQC) Download Results
  2. Aquatic Animal Health Management Download Results
  3. Aquatic Environmental Management Download Results
  4. Fish Biotechnology Download Results
  5. Fisheries Economics Download Results
  6. Fisheries Extension Download Results
  7. Fish Genetics and Breeding Download Results
  8. Fish Nutrition & Feed Technology Download Results
  9. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Download Results
  10. Fisheries Resource Management Download Results
  11. Post Harvest Technology Download Results

 M.F.Sc. 2015-17, Second Semester Result


M.F.Sc. (2015-17) First Semester Results
  1. Aquaculture (AQC) Download Results
  2. Fisheries Resources Management (FRM) Download Results
  3. Post-Harvest Technology (PHT) Download Results
  4. Aquatic Environment Management (AEM) Download Results
  5. Aquatic Animal Health (AAH) Download Results
  6. Fish Biochemistry & Physiology (FPB) Download Results
  7. Fish Nutrition & Feed Technology (FNT) Download Results
  8. Fish Genetics & Breeding (FGB) Download Results
  9. Fish Biotechnology (FBT) Download Results
  10. Fisheries Extension (FEX) Download Results
  11. Fisheries Economics (FEC) Download Results
M.F.Sc. (2014-16) Second Semester Results
  1. MFSc in Aquaculture (AQC) Download Results
  2. MFSc in Fisheries Resources Management (FRM) Download Results
  3. MFSc in Post-Harvest Technology (PHT) Download Results
  4. MFSc Aquatic Environment Management (AEM) Download Results
  5. MFSc in Aquatic Animal Health (AAH)Download Results
  6. MFSc in Fish Biochemistry & Physiology (FPB) Download Results
  7. MFSc in Fish Nutrition & Feed Technology (FNT) Download Results
  8. MFSc in Fish Genetics & Breeding (FGB) Download Results
    | Download Re-evaluation
  9. MFsc in Fish Biotechnology (FBT)Download Results
  10. MFSc in Fisheries Extension (FEX) Download Results
  11. MFSc in Fisheries Economics (FEC) Download Results

M.F.Sc (2014-16) First Semester Results
  1. Fish Genetics and Breeding (FGB)Download Results