Fellowship & Awards
- ICAR offers Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for post graduate education leading to Master's Degree Program at the rate of Rs. 5760/- per month for two years with a contingent grant of Rs. 6000/- per annum (for procurement of essential chemicals, equipments, books and travel allowances connected with collection of research data). Continuance of Fellowship after the 1st year is dependent on maintaining required OGPA as per guidelines.
- As per 41st Academic council approval , the students who secures and maintains required O.G.P.A. even if he/she has not cleared the examination in a particular course , will be entitled for fellowship. However, the student will remain on ‘Scholastic probation’ until he/she clears the examination for the course(s).
- The JRF will be given only to those candidates who join the M.F.Sc. Program in the University/Institute other than that from where he/she has obtained the Bachelor's Degree. Under no circumstances, change of subject for JRF will be entertained.
- ICAR Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) for Ph.D. Degree is offered at the rate of Rs. 7000/- per month for the first two years and Rs. 5600/- in the third year with a contingent grant of Rs. 10,000/- per annum (for procurement of essential chemicals, equipments, books and travel allowances connected with collection of research data).
- A maximum of Rs. 2500/- in the first year could be utilised for purchase of books and Rs. 2500/- for preparation of thesis. The remaining contingent grant would exclusively be utilised for contingency connected with conduct of research work.
- Institutional Fellowship for M.F.Sc. Programs is at present at the rate of Rs. 5040/- per month for two years and for Ph.D. programs at the rate of Rs. 7000/- for three years. Contingent grant given is Rs. 6000/- per year at Masters level and Rs.10,000/- per year at Ph.D. level.
- A maximum of Rs. 2500/- in the first year could be utilised for purchase of books and Rs. 2500/- for preparation of thesis. The remaining contingent grant would exclusively be utilised for contingency connected with conduct of research work.
Relief from the P. G. School
Temporary Withdrawal from Studies
Temporary withdrawal shall not be allowed in the midst of a semester under any circumstances except those mentioned below. The semester during which such temporary withdrawal is taken, will, however, count as a full semester.
Temporary withdrawal will be allowed only on the following grounds :
- Illness of self to be supported by medical certificate
- Death of parent/guardian or in the case of married student, of the spouse or children,
- Temporary withdrawal should be restricted ordinarily to one semester only, but in the case of illness of the student concerned, it may, subject to medical advice, be allowed for two semesters within the duration of the course.
- No temporary withdrawal will be allowed for taking up employment.
- Such withdrawal shall be permitted only with the prior permission of the Dean and no ex-post-facto approval shall be given.
- The request for withdrawal shall be recommended by the Chairman of the Student’s Advisory Committee and the Chairman of the Board of Studies.
- The withdrawal shall be permitted subject to the condition that the student shall complete the program of studies within the maximum period prescribed for completion of studies.
- The request shall be sent at least 15 days in advance of the proposed date of withdrawal and the decision on the request shall be communicated by the P. G. School within 10 days of the date of receipt of such request.
- The request for temporary withdrawal from P.G. School should be accompanied by 'No Dues Certificates' from all concerned.
- During the period of temporary withdrawal, the name of the student shall be kept on the rolls and as such he/she shall be liable to pay fees and other prescribed charges.
- The temporary withdrawal from studies under above rules shall not exceed two semesters
- No student, except departmental students, shall be allowed temporary withdrawal from his/her studies if he/she has not started his/her course work.
Relief before Submission of Thesis
A student may be relieved from the Institute with the prior permission of the Dean for accepting employment outside or for rejoining duty in the parent department if all the requirements including research work except submission of thesis have been completed subject to the following terms and conditions:
- The request for relief shall be submitted in the prescribed proforma (Annexure XIII) and shall give details of the progress of the research work, laboratory work, analysis of data and the stage of preparation of thesis.
- The Chairman and the Chairman, Board of Studies concerned shall certify that all the work except the submission of thesis has been completed by the student. If necessary, the Chairman, Board of Studies may request the Chairman of the Student’s Advisory Committee to call a special meeting of the Advisory Committee in which he (the Head) would be present to satisfy himself about the completion of research work of the student before issuing the certificate under this rule. In case of difference of opinion, the Chairman, Board of Studies would send the proceedings of the Advisory Committee meeting along with his own recommendations to the Dean for a final decision by the latter.
- The minimum residential requirement should have been fulfilled.
- Application for job should have been routed through the Dean. If the application was sent prior to joining the Institute, the student shall inform the Dean about this application soon after admission.
- The student shall not be entitled to hostel accommodation after relief. However, the Dean may consider the request for accommodation during the limited period, for which the student will be at CIFE while actually submitting the thesis and he/she should be on leave from the employers.
- The student can be relieved from the Institute on his/her request on the completion of his/her research work pending submission of thesis with a clear stipulation that he/she should submit his/her thesis within a period of one year from the date of relief failing which his/her name shall be removed from the rolls of the P.G. School.
- A departmental part-time student may also be relieved provided he/she has been on the rolls of the Institute for not less than two academic years.
- No student shall leave the Institute for accepting employment outside or for any other reason, without prior permission or relief and without obtaining relieving certificates before his/her departure. The Heads of various Divisions/ Chairman, Board of Studies shall not relieve the students without the permission of the Dean.
Relief after Submission of Thesis
- A student shall be relieved, with the prior permission of the Dean, from the Institute at his/her own request after the submission of thesis for accepting employment or for any other purpose.
- The name of the student shall remain on the rolls of the Institute till the date of completion of the final viva-voce.
Awardees |
DR. C.V.Kulkarni Endowment Awardees for 2012-13. |
Awardees |
Prof. Ravindranath Krothapalli International Travel Award (Institute Level) for 2015-2016 |
Awardees |
Prof. Ravindranath Krothapalli Gold Medal for 1st Ranker MFSc Student in AEHM Division for 2014-16 |
Awardees |
Prof. Ravindranath Krothapalli Gold Medal for 1st Ranker PhD Student in AEHM Division |