Dr. A.K. Verma
Principal Scientist, Division of Aquaculture
B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D. (Soil, Water Engineering)

+91 022 2536-1446 | Extn: 465 (O)
+91 9920169789 / +91 9969049032

akverma@cife.edu.in / akverma45@yahoo.com

Research Interests

  • Design and Construction of Aquafarm/ hatchery
  • Multiple use of Water by using RAS, Aquaponics and Biofloc
  • Water Budgeting
  • Soil & Water Management for Aquaculture

Research Papers

  • Thomas RM, Verma AK, Prakash C, Krishna H, Prakash S, Kumar A (2019) Utilization of Inland saline underground water for bio-integration of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea). Agricultural Water Management, 222: 154-160.
  • Nuwansi KKT, Verma AK, Rathore G, Prakash C, Chandrakant MH, Prabhath, GPWA (2019) Utilization of phytoremediated aquaculture wastewater for production of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio var. koi) and gotukola (Centella asiatica) in an aquaponics. Aquaculture, 507: 361-369.
  • Haridas H, Verma AK, Rathore G, Prakash C, Banerjee P, Babitha Rani AM, Ahmad I (2017) Enhanced growth and immuno-physiological response of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia in indoor biofloc units at different stocking densities. Aquaculture Research 48(8): 4346-4355.
  • Shete AP, Verma AK, Chadha NK, Prakash C, Peter RM and Ahmad I (2016) Optimization of hydraulic loading rate in aquaponic system with common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Mint (Mentha arvensis), Aquacultural Engineering, 72-73: 53-57.
  • Ahmad I, Verma AK, Babitha Rani AM, Rathore G, Saharan N, Gora AH (2016) Growth, non-specific immunity and disease resistance of Labeo rohita against Aeromonas hydrophila in biofloc systems using different carbon sources, Aquaculture, 457: 61–67.
  • Iffat J, Tiwari VK, Verma AK, Pavan-Kumar A (2020) Effect of different salinities on breeding and larval development of Common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) in Inland saline groundwater. Aquaculture, 518: 734658.
  • Ahmad I, Leya T, Saharan N, Babitha Rani AM, Rathore G, Gora AH, Bhat IA, Verma AK (2019) Carbon sources affect water quality and haemato‐biochemical responses of Labeo rohita in zero‐water exchange biofloc system. Aquaculture Research, 50: 2879-2887.
  • Nuwansi KKT, Verma AK, Rathore G, Chandrakant MH, Prabhath GPWA, Peter RM (2019) Effect of hydraulic loading rate on the growth of Koi carp (Cyprinus carpio var. koi.) and Gotukola (Centella asiatica (L.)) using phytoremadiated aquaculture wastewater in aquaponics. Aquaculture International, 28: 639-652.
  • Ezhilarasi V, Verma AK, Babitha Rani AM, Harikrishna V, Chandrakant MH, Ahmad I, Nageshwari P (2019) Effect of different carbon sources on growth, non-specific immunity and digestive enzyme activity of amur carp, Cyprinus rubrofuscus (Lacepede, 1803) fingerlings in biofloc based rearing system using inland saline groundwater. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 66(3): 85-92.
  • Peter RM, Verma AK, Saharan N, Tiwari VK, Thomas RM (2019) Optimizing pearlspot, etroplus suratensis (Bloch, 1790) stocking density with tomato (solanum lycopersicum) in recirculating aquaponic system. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 22(2): 1109-1113.
  • Patil PA, Dube K, Verma AK, Chadha NK, Sundaray JK, Jayasankar P (2019) Growth performance of goldfish, Carassius auratus and basil, Ocimum basilicum in media bed aquaponics. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 66(1): 112-118.
  • Nuwansi KKT, Verma AK, Prakash C, Prabhath GPWA, Peter RM (2018) Performance evaluation and phytoremediation efficiency of selected aquatic macrophytes on aquaculture effluent. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(2): 2885-2891.
  • Shete AP, Verma AK, Chadha NK, Prakash C, Nuwansi KKT (2017) Evaluation of hydroponic subsystem for the culture of common carp, Cyprinus carpio and mint, Mentha arvensis in an aquaponic system. Aquaculture International 25(3): 1291-1301.
  • Nuwansi KKT, Verma AK, Tiwari VK, Prakash C, Chandrakant MH (2017) Standardization of the stocking density ratios of Koi carp (Cyprinus carpio var. koi): Goldfish (Carassius auratus) in Polyculture Aquaponic Recirculating System. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17: 1271-1278.
  • Ahmad I, Babitha Rani AM, Verma AK, Mudasir Maqsood (2017) Biofloc Technology:- An emerging avenue in aquatic animal healthcare and nutrition. Aquaculture International, 25(3): 1215-1226.
  • Nuwansi KKT, Verma AK, Prakash C, Tiwari VK, Chandrakant MH, Shete AP, Prabhath GPWA (2016) Effect of water flow rate on polyculture of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio var. koi) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) with water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) in recirculating aquaponic system. Aquaculture International, 24(1), 385-393.
  • Hussain T, Verma AK, Tiwari VK, Prakash C, Rathore G, Shete AP, Saharan N (2015) Effect of water flow rates on growth of Cyprinus carpio var. koi (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) and spinach plant in aquaponic system. Aquaculture International, 23:369–384.
  • Verma AK, SK Gupta, Isaac RK (2014) Calibration and validation of SWAP to simulate conjunctive use of fresh and saline irrigation waters in semi-arid regions. Environment Modeling and Assessment, 19: 45-55.
  • Verma AK, SK Gupta, Isaac, RK (2014) Application of soil-water-atmosphere-plant model to assess performance of subsurface drainage system under semi-arid monsoon climate. Irrigation and drainage, 63 (1): 93:101.
  • Shete AP, Verma AK, Chadha NK, Prakash C, Chandrakant MH (2015) A comparative study on fish to plant component ratio in recirculating aquaponic system with common carp and mint. Journal of Environment and Biosciences, 29 (2): 323-329.

Other Publications

  • Effect of Nutrients Supplementation on Selected Vegetables and Herbs in Recirculating Aquaponic System with Pangasius (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) (2019-22)
  • Exploring Aquaculture Potential in Select Percolation Tank in Tribal Village of Nashik District, Maharashtra (2019-22)
  • Studies on Biological Nutrient Recovery from Culturing of Pangasius, Pangasianodon Hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1978) by Seasonal Vegetable & Herbs in Aquaponic System (2019-22)
  • Zero water exchange model for carp seed production (2016-19)
  • Fisheries Enhancement in Maharashtra (District Thane) through Production and Ranching of Quality Seed towards Livelihoods of Tribal Population (2014-17)
  • Evaluation of biofloc based system for rearing of Labeo rohita and Litopenaeus vannamei (2012-15)
  • Establishment of Giant Freshwater Prawn Hatchery at Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh (2012-19)
  • Developing an Aquaponics and Spirulina Eco-park and Demonstrate Sustainable Models of Urban Aquaculture and Agriculture (2013-15)
  • Development of Fragile Agricultural Lands and Unutilized Agro-Aquatic Resources through an Integrated Approach (2008-15)


Significant achievements in research & development (Last 5 years)
  • An Aquaponics and Spirulina Eco-park was designed and constructed at CIFE, Mumbai for demonstration of models of urban aquaculture and agriculture
  • An integrated water filter model combining mechanical and biological filters was developed and successfully tested under field conditions at CIFE Powarkheda
  • A recirculating carp hatchery technology was developed and successfully demonstrated for production of carp seed using portable hatchery at Thane.
  • Concept and methodology developed on biofloc based system for rearing Labeo rohita under zero water exchange system demonstrated the feasibility of high stocking density in the order up to 140 no. / m3 without much production of TAN.
  • An innovative technology in the form of model of FRP ECO hatchery was developed and commercialized for production of carp seed.
  • Technology pertaining to production of seed of Macrobrachium rosenbergi using artificial sea water was successfully transferred. A freshwater prawn hatchery of production capacity 1 miilion PL per cycle was established at State Fisheries Farm, Barabanki near Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh).
  • Best Scientist Award awarded by River Water User Association (India) on the occasion of 5th National conference on river basins sustainability: water scarcity Agricultural production, climate change and natural disasters during 17-18 November 2018.
  • Best Scientist Award for the year 2013-14 awarded by ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai.
  • Best Young Scientist Award for the year 2010-11 awarded by ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai.
  • Excellence in Team Work Award for the year 2009-10 in recognition of pioneering work on development and demonstration of commercial shrimp culture in the saline affected regions of North West India awarded by ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai.
  • Best Institutional Building for the year 2012-13 awarded by ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai.
  • Best Cell/ Unit (Works Section) for the year 2012-13 awarded by ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai.
  • हिन्दी मे डिक्टेशन हेतु “प्रोत्साहन पुरस्कार” (2013-14)भा.कृ.अनु.प. - के.मा.शि.स., मुंबई द्वारा पुरस्कृत.
  • हिन्दी मे उल्लेखनीय योगदन हेतु “राजभाषा शील्ड“ कार्य बिभाग के लिए (2013-14) भा.कृ.अनु.प. - के.मा.शि.स., मुंबई द्वारा पुरस्कृत.
  • Star of CIFE for outstanding contribution in Research, Teaching as well as the innovation movement at CIFE through excellent management of the Engineering Cell and leadership skill for the year 2010 awarded by ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai.