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Q. I want job opportunity.
Ans. There are plenty of job opportunity for Fisheries Professional in India and Abroad. You may write ARS examination, apply for faculty position in different fisheries colleges in India, apply abroad for research position, apply for officers in fisheries department based on availability of vacancy etc.
Q. For this session the mfsc admission will be 100% through icar quota or only 30%
Ans. Please write to Academic Cell, ICAR-CIFE to obtain the information
Q. At which point of temperature and salinity of water dissolved oxygen is highest?
Ans. DO reaches 14.6 mg/L at 0 °C and approximately 9.1, 8.3, and 7.0 mg/L at 20, 25, and 35 °C, respectively.
Q. For mfsc selection procedure will be icar basis and any management seat is there or not
Ans. Selection is done through exam conducted by ICAR and now by National Testing Agency. There is no management seat
Q. Shrimp species that popularly/commonly culture in pokali field?
Ans. The Prawns species are Metapenaeus dobsoni, Metapenaeus monoceros, Penaeus indicus, Penaeus monodon etc
Q. Shrimp species that popularly/commonly culture in pokali field?
Ans. The species are Metapenaeus dobsoni, Metapenaeus monoceros, Penaeus indicus, Penaeus monodon etc