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Q. After mfsc in frm which type of jobs in gujarat
Ans. There are plenty of job opportunity for Fisheries Professional in India and Abroad. You may write ARS examination, apply for faculty position in different fisheries colleges in India, apply abroad for research position, apply for officers in fisheries department based on availability of vacancy etc.
FRHPHD Division
Q. Tell me the website and portal from which I get information about scholarships and phd areas particularly in FRM Division
Ans. "Hi, you can go through our website on the FRHPHM division, where we specify our PhD areas of research (https://www.cife.edu.in/FRPH/index.html). To get more details, you can refer to our past CIFE annual reports. For scholarships at CIFE, you can follow the NTA exam(https://icar.nta.nic.in/) conducted by ICAR, UGC exam, CSIR exam etc., through which you can obtain a scholarship and gain entry to CIFE."
FRHPHD Division
Q. I would like to do certificate in Aquaculture to start fish /ornamental fish farming. I am ex servicemen at the age of 55 yrs.
Ans. Hello, Greetings. Please visit our training calendar for skill development programs (https://www.cife.edu.in/skills-development-programs.html). At CIFE, we offer such training on a pre-planned basis, which may be beneficial to you. For further inquiries, you can contact our scientists in the Aquaculture division.
FRHPHD Division
Q. Doubts in frm
Ans. Please be specific regarding what you have a doubt
FRHPHD Division