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Q. What is fish nutrition ?
Ans. Generally it is the study of nutrients, their basic functions, nutrient requirement of various life stages of fish, nutrient digestion, nutrient accretion, nutrient partitioning, nutrient/energy budgeting, nutrition and fish health, feed additives and functional feed aids, nutrigenomics, ingredients used in fish feed formulation, feed formulation methods, feed production and feeding management/feeding protocols in fish culture management practices
Q. What is Fisheries Statistics ?
Ans. Fishery statistics measures the various parameters of a fishery system within the social, economic, biological and environmental frameworks.
Q. Can we get a detailed project report on RAS?
Ans. Please provide the details regarding the area available, expected production, sale volume, expected price, species etc for DPR
Q. Can we get a detailed project report on RAS?
Ans. Sure...Details please
Q. Doubts in frm
Ans. Please be specific regarding what you have a doubt
Q. Doubts in frm
Ans. yes specify your doubts