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Q. I need a opportunity for work together.
Ans. Please send specific information
Q. I want to know the admitted students name wise general rank, category rank, marks obtained in ICAR PhD exam (PhD Batch 2021-24, 2022-25) in Aquaculture discipline. No reply by academic cell till Why?
Ans. This information comes under the Right to Information Act. Please submit the query through that channel. Academic Cell has other priority works. Please be professional while asking questions.
Q. Is there any convergence programs planned with KVK s?
Ans. Under the ongoing Project on KVKs and Fisheries Extension, extent of extension activities of KVKs in fisheries domain were assessed and the training needs of SMS were identified in 6 states so far including Andhra Pradesh, In the coming months, few customised training programs for KVK-SMS are proposed to be conducted jointly with respective ATARIs. The KVKs will be duly notified in advance. Besides, joint programs are being undertaken with few KVKs and ATARIs by CIFE under the Centrally sponsored schemes namely TSP, SCSP and NEH Programs.
Q. I am phd zoology submitted thesis,worked on microplastic in fish Kindly suggest relevant job
Ans. Hello, Priti Singh, You could consider applying for projects funded by org. like DBT, DST, and others. Additionally, pursuing a career in academia as a teacher is also a good option. We have different ongoing projects and the staff requirements are updated from time to time. To stay informed, please refer to the Important Notice section on the ICAR-CIFE website for updates. Thanks.