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Q. Virulence gene of Acinetobacter spp to cause fish disease
Ans. Axa-51 C5gA,, Fim-H, TraT, iuTA, PapC, bapC, Omp33-36, bauA,bauS etc are studied by researchers in Acinetobacter barramundi and Acinetobacter johnsonii please see the research articles I have shared with you
Q. After mfsc in frm which type of jobs in gujarat
Ans. There are plenty of job opportunity for Fisheries Professional in India and Abroad. You may write ARS examination, apply for faculty position in different fisheries colleges in India, apply abroad for research position, apply for officers in fisheries department based on availability of vacancy etc.
Q. Please sir M. F. sc. Job opportunity
Ans. There are plenty of job opportunity for Fisheries Professional in India and Abroad. You may write ARS examination, apply for faculty position in different fisheries colleges in India, apply abroad for research position, apply for officers in fisheries department based on availability of vacancy etc . You can start your own business too in fisheries.
Q. Please guide future planing
Ans. Please go through CIFE website www.cife.edu.in and attend the training as per your requirement
Q. What can be done for fisheries development in Rajasthan with in 2030
Ans. Hello Dr. Brijesh, Considering the expertise of CIFE and the resource availability in Rajasthan, we propose focusing on inland saline aquaculture. Our ongoing research includes genetic improvement of common carp for inland saline water and the culture of species like Vennamei and Tilapia. CIFE offers specific training programs and support services for Rajasthan. While this sector shows promise, it's imperative to have adequate guidelines and knowledge before venturing into it. Thank you.